Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Since the morning temperatures were so cold again and the afternoon is filled up with spending time with families and eating, I decided to take a break from the fishing today. However, I do want to keep to my goal of posting as much as possible. So, today's report will be an update of the last few weeks of fishing. When I think back on the last month two words come to mind..."high water". The creeks have been higher than I can ever remember in the fall. This has caused two things, many unfishable days and many days of amazing fishing. The great thing about the high water is it spreads out the fish and keeps them safe from less than ethical fisherman. The browns this fall have been numerous and I was lucky enough to get my biggest ever. It was a female that was 32 inches long with a sloppy 21 inch girth that I estimated at around 19 pounds (unfortunately no picture as the camera batteries were dead). Besides that monster we have also landed other male and female browns up to 13 pounds. The steelhead and rainbows have also begun to show up in good numbers and we have caught some very nice fish. Enjoy the small sample of pictures.

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